Born: 0777
Died: 8 JUL 0810
Karel FRANKEN (de GROTE) (Charlemagne)
Hildegard VINZGAU
Bertha AUTUN
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Bernhard ITALIË |
Occupation: Koning van Italië
Nobility Title: Koning van Italië
Gezalfd te Rome 15 april 781 hieß ursprünglich Karlmann, getauft auf den Namen Pippin von Papst Hadrian
Pippin of Italy (April, 773 – July 8, 810) was the third son of Charlemagne, and the second with his wife Hildegard of Savoy. He was born Carloman, but when his brother Pippin the Hunchback betrayed their father, the royal name Pippin passed to him. He was made king of Italy after his father's conquest of the Lombards in 781. He was crowned King by Pope Hadrian I.
He was active as ruler of Italy and worked to expand the Frankish empire. This included a long, but unsuccessful siege of Venice in 810. The siege lasted six months and Pippin's army was ravaged by the diseases of the local swamps and was forced to withdraw. A few months later Pippin died. He married Bertha of Toulouse and had five daughters with her: Adelheid, Atala, Gundrada, Berthais, and Tetrada. He also had an illegitimate son Bernard. Pippin was expected to inherit a third of his father's empire, but Pippin died before him. The Italian crown passed on to his son Bernard, but the empire went to Pippin's younger brother Louis the Pious.
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