Emma Thompson Sanctuary
See Emma's postcard
online since 1995
In association with Amazon.com

This site is closing down
Okay, I finally admit it: I don't have
time to keep this site updated. Sorry to
disappoint, but after 12 years, it's time to
sign off....

Emma writing sequel to
Nanny McPhee

20 Oct 2006
The next film will be an original story
based on the characters created by
Christianna Brand.

Interviews about Stranger Than Fiction
9 Oct 2006
In this interview, Emma says, "After I'd read the first
five pages, I immediately called [producer Lindsay Doran]
and said, 'I'll do it.'" Also check out another interview.

Stranger Than Fiction trailer
28 July 2006
If the trailer is any indication, this movie looks like a winner.

View the status of all of Emma's current projects.

More Emma news...

Got Emma stuff? Send it to steve@muldermedia.com